
Benefits, segmentation and the channels of communication

Three key factors in loyalty programs are benefits, segmentation and the channels of communication.

  • We use benefits to attract and retain customers by offering special values and privileges.
  • Segmenting customers into categories allows personalization of marketing campaign strategies for various client groups.
  • We use communication channels to present rewards for customers’ loyalty in order to encourage them to repeat purchases and retain them on a long-term basis.

Our loyalty platform includes Marketing automation criteria that can easily trigger automated communication; for instance, when it is their birthday or there is a logged record of purchase transaction.

Marketing automation runs through campaigns using target groups defined by segmenting as well as through various benefits, which are most commonly discount vouchers, all through communication channels. Our loyalty platform supports viber, sms, push channels and widget interactive element.

marketing automatizacija

Our loyalty platform enables establishing a strong connection with users and achieving a long-run loyalty using one of the tools or a combination of them for a more powerful outcome.

Managing loyalty platform is challenging, especially when there are many users and that is exactly what makes marketing automation a powerful tool with a key role.

Marketing automation is a technology that allows automatic and personalized management of various marketing activities. Within loyalty program, marketing automation is a mechanism for achieving greater efficiency.

Personalization increases the engagement of users and makes them feel special and appreciated.


One of the crucial advantages of marketing automation is personalization. By using it, we can collect data on customer behavior, their preferences and consumer habits. Based on the data and information generated, it is easy to create a precise and personalized communication along with offers for each user individually.

Automated management of campaigns:

Another advantage is automated management of campaigns. Instead of sending messages manually and managing each interaction separately, loyalty software allows automation of these processes. Pre-defined messages are activated when a customer reaches certain number of points collected or moves up to a certain level. The possibilities of customizing this mechanism are endless.

Not only do these tools make campaigns more efficient but they also decrease the number of employees needed for the process while at the same time maintain consistency in communication with customers and users.


It is another advantage of this segment of loyalty program. With our loyalty platform, it is an easy task to track the results of campaign. Data generated will help you customize the strategy and optimize your loyalty program precisely to achieve the highest campaign efficiency.


Marketing automationCampaigning
& Couponing

Campaigning is a marketing strategy aimed at increasing user engagement.

Campaigns are strategies that include creating theme or seasonal offers most typically including some special rewards and benefits. Most commonly, it is a special discount for products or services during one season while it can also be getting or purchasing limited edition products. Campaigns additionally motivate customers to join loyalty program and make them feel specially rewarded for their loyalty.

Couponing contributes to the sales increase, attracting new customers and retaining current loyalty.

Couponing is another key strategy that loyalty platform offers. Coupons are nothing else but giving customers special codes – digital coupons that they can use when making one of their future purchases.

Coupons can reward customers with special discounts, free products or delivery or any other benefit depending on the way you design your campaign. Customers find this way of rewarding attractive since it certainly saves money and guarantees other benefits when making purchase transactions.

Campaigns are most commonly designed based on customers’ needs and interests, the reason that contributes to establishing an emotional relationship between customers and the company giving it an additional value while coupons allow users to get real benefits in the form of discounts or free products. This all directly increases not only their loyalty but their satisfaction as well.

Owing to our loyalty program, you can now experience all the strengths of Campaigning and Couponing in an easy and simple way! Our platform allows you to not only create and manage campaigns and coupon codes simply but they also provide flexibility along with the ways to manage them. Let us assist you in developing a successful loyalty strategy that will make your brand much stronger, attract new customers and retain the satisfied ones.

With well-designed campaigns, Campaigning and Couponing can quickly turn new customers into active ones and increase the engagement of the existing customers motivating them to spend even more.


& Retargeting

Your message reaches every customer!

In digital marketing, retargeting stimulates re-engaging users who have shown interest in your products, services, or content on your website. It encompasses sending messages across various channels, contingent on factors such as whether the message has been opened or from other predefined criteria. This retargeting strategy across diverse channels aims to reach users who have not react to previous messages.

For instance, if a user has not opened or responded to the email you sent, you can retarget them via another channels such as Viber, SMS, or push notifications. The retargeting strategy seeks to increase the likelihood that users notice and react to your messages, ultimately leading to a purchase or contact.

How does retargeting work through Spotlight?

As a strategic tool in digital marketing, retargeting, is focused on enhancing conversions. Retargeting in Spotlight begins by releasing the initially generated sales message through a channel—whether it be email, Viber message, SMS, or in the form of a push notification—to the entire database or a precisely targeted audience segment. Triggers for the next message of similar or identical content are automated to flow through the another or the same channel, depending on whether the message was opened or if a conversion was achieved. The sales message continues through channels until the envisioned goal is reached. Messages can remain identical or be optimized differently depending on the channel. Spotlight also provides the possibility of multiple sends through the same channel. There are many options, depending on the strategy, the entire process is straightforward and automatically configured, saving time and money while providing the opportunity for anyone to create such a campaign.

Entire process is straightforward and automatically configured, saving time and money while providing the opportunity for anyone to create such a campaign.


Marketing automation

A powerful channel in loyalty programs

Email marketing automation is a strong channel in loyalty programs that supports an efficient communication between a company and its customers via personalized and automated e-mails. This marketing technique is a key one for keeping in touch with customers, providing relevant information and increasing engagement.

E-mail marketing automation provides a personal communication with customers. Based on the data about their purchase history, interests and activities, it is a simple task to create personalized e-mails applicable on each user individually. Personalization achieved in this way strengthens the connection between customers and the brand, increases the engagement of customers and their loyalty to the brand itself.

Automation makes the process of communication easier. In Spotlight platform, any new activity made by a customer activates sending an e-mail; however, there is also an option for sending an e-mail within a pre-defined interval. Our platforms allows you the settings for sending automated e-mails to welcome new users, to remind them about incomplete purchase or to send a special birthday or membership anniversary offer and any other special offer as well.

Email automation ensures consistency, efficiency and promptness of communication.

Regular communication via e-mail keeps customers informed and motivates them to become more active. E-mail marketing in fact encourages customers to stay active and motivated while it also retains customers and awakens those dormant ones. The analytics of e-mail campaigns provides the insight into opened e-mails, the number of clicks on links, conversion rates and other useful information. Take the advantages of e-mail marketing automation and step up your campaigns, make the communication more personal and achieve better results in terms of the engagement of users by using simple tools for creating, sending and analyzing e-mail campaigns.


Sending personalized messages, notifications and offers via Viber application

Viber service used for communication within loyalty program marketing automation is a mechanism for a simple interaction through sending personalized messages. Our loyalty platform enables sending personalized messages, notifications and offers via Viber application. Viber service brings many advantages that enhance user engagement and contribute to the overall success of the loyalty program through direct access to instant messages.

One of the greatest advantages of viber messages is the very fact that in most cases people immediately read them. Moreover, viber provides interactivity and engagement of users through questionnaires, quizzes or direct chat. Possibilities for various means of interactivity create an entertaining experience and, at the same time, they are practical for gathering feedback or generating further engagement.

Our innovative loyalty platform is a great opportunity to use all the strengths of direct and timely messages through Viber service. You can opt for automated messages or you can schedule sending them on particular dates depending on your needs.

viber servis

Viber service is an efficient tool for increasing sales through special offers or setting reminders while at the same time it has the option for tracking the results of campaigns.

sms servis


SMS communication makes the relationship with users stronger, encourages engagement and increases loyalty.

SMS messages within marketing automation bring numerous benefits that enhance the engagement of users and improve customer experience. SMS messages are a crucial tool within loyalty program because of their readily availability meaning that the likelihood customers will open and read them is high making this way of communication an ideal choice for instant delivery of important information. They deliver notifications about rewards, promotions or special events quickly and efficiently and they have the option for an individual communication with users as well.

Based on the data about buying habits and activities, creating personalized offers each user individually will find attractive becomes nothing but easy. SMS communication strengthens the connection with users, increases the level of their engagement and enhances loyalty. SMS does not take much time to read; the response can be simple and in the form of sending a short answer by clicking on a link. Direct communication using messages potentially increases conversions i.e. sales and creates a stronger sense of value with users.

With our loyalty platform, it is easy to analyze the success of sent messages. The evaluation of the overall success of each campaign separately helps us identify the crucial factors for improving and adjusting some of future strategies more effectively. Our loyalty platform contains tools for the simple sending of personalized messages, tracking the outcome regarding the success of message delivery and ultimately optimizing campaigns.  

SMS messages enhance the engagement of customers and improve customer experience


A mighty communication tool activated by loyalty application

Push notifications are a powerful means of communication activated by loyalty application. Push notifications offer a fast and direct stream of either customized or general messages. This marketing strategy offers advantages that most certainly increase customers’ engagement, deliver relevant information and enhance customer experience. Any notification sent in this manner provides users with an immediate access to information. When a user already has the application installed on their phone, messages become clearly visible on the screen even in cases when the application itself is not active.

With this tool working in your favor, you can deliver notifications about promotions or valuable information you do not want your customers to miss swiftly and efficiently. Push notifications are highly efficient since they are both fast and interactive. User may respond to push notification or take an action within the notification itself such as rating, purchasing or any other similar action. Push notifications can also have special codes customers can use while making their next purchase that additionally enhances loyalty and encourages their engagement.

Spotlight platform provides a possibility for sending personalized push notifications effortlessly, tracking the outcome of campaigns and optimizing them.

push notifikacije

Enhance communication, engagement and sales by using push notifications as the part of your loyalty strategy.

transakcije korisnika


Transactions that users make reveal their preferences and buying habits

Users’ transactions represent a purchase within your brand that a customer makes through loyalty platform. The information about transactions is invaluable since it gives the insight into typical customer behavior, reveals customers’ preferences and their buying habits. Through marketing automation, users’ transactions become the key factor in creating strategies and customizing communication in order to achieve the highest level of users’ engagement as well as their loyalty.

Once we understand customers’ needs, we can easily offer well-matched rewards, discounts and exclusive privileges. The information about transactions show rewards users most commonly get, the frequency of their participation in the program and the activities they find the most attractive. This all helps us recognize the most active users and then we reward them for their loyalty or encourage them to become even more active.

Data about transactions customers make are valuable for creating targeted communication that motivates them to achieve their goals while at the same time increases their loyalty. It becomes even easier to create personalized offers utilizing such data. In this manner, we provide discounts on products that customers frequently purchase, and we may even offer discounts on bundles of items customers regularly buy together.

Design meaningful campaigns and track their results in order to reach the most exceptional achievements.

Offers optimized precisely increase the likelihood that customers will take the advantage of the benefits the program gives. You may also change or adjust the overall strategy of the loyalty program depending on the information generated from customers’ transactions.

Tracking transactions helps in identifying less successful campaigns as well as those that do not achieve the best results. When you have a clear picture of what a high-performing campaign is and what makes them unsuccessful ones, it becomes easy to take the next step and optimize your offer based on the most effective campaigns.

rodjendani korisnika

The possibilities that loyalty program offers are countless and they most certainly result in a more intense engagement of users.

With marketing automation within loyalty program, we can add a personal touch to the users’ very special day. Birthday celebration within loyalty program offers advantages that not only increase the engagement of loyalty program members but also improve customer experience and enhance long-lasting loyalty.

A personal connection with a customer, such as birthday wishes, evokes the feeling of appreciation while at the same time clearly indicates that we care and see them as individuals, not only customers. We establish an emotional relationship with customers through sending best wishes on their birthday, the result of which is a stronger loyalty to brand. Birthday greetings and benefits that we can offer through them are an excellent opportunity to encourage users to return to the brand or to remain even more loyal to it.

Birthdays are an excellent opportunity to send to your regular and active customers additional, personalized or exclusive offers such as coupons, vouchers or similar depending on the structure of your loyalty program. Extra birthday benefits, besides motivating and engaging customers even more, encourage them to make more purchases and by doing so they directly and positively affect the increase in sales.

Make the best use of birthday campaign within marketing automation, improve communication personalization, design targeted campaign and the results achieved will be exceptional.

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We know that the future lies in a comprehensive loyalty program that inspires, attracts and recruits new customers while personalized benefits secure that the existing ones will return and repeat their purchases.

Do not miss this chance and entrust the profitability to a proven strategy you can rely on that certainly yields results.

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